Monthly Archives: April 2011

But now we are losing it to ourselves

Today on Facebook I came across a app called “Causes”. The intension is clear from its name. But over there something really triggered up the anger in my eyes (specy eyes basically)… A friend of mine was following  a cause “I want my mother tongue to be facebook’s official language.” … bloody cause.
When a girl child is getting abused every sec, when billions of Cr. of  INC is rotting in foreign bank accounts, people are more busy in supporting such a flimsy cause.
When will we understand that liberation of senses and moral is more fruitful than biting other people because they are not from my state or they don’t speak my language.
Jagoo India…it’s high time. Learn from the history.. The situation is identical and so is the mentality….
Don’t forgot how we lost our independence in several occasions..
Be it to Moghals or Be it to the Queen….
But now we are losing it to ourselves.